The purpose of my survey was to get feedback on some of the major issues, in my opinion, that buzzes an air of discussion around campus.  I based my questions solely on things I've overheard other students talking or discussing in classrooms, during leisure hours, eating hours, recreational periods, and even sometimes in the restroom.  As a result, I carefully laid out a grand set of questions of which I sifted through to discover the most important issues on the minds of GGC students.
ggcimprovement2.xlsx ggcimprovement2.xlsx
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I got a very good handful of people that did my survey: ten.  A bit more than what I'd hoped for, but it was essential in the great array of responses I got.  I was expecting many people to say that they would've wanted "more employees to facilitate in faster production", so I was a bit shocked to see that the majority of people put that as their answer.  Another shock that i received from the data was that people are adamant in wanting a more secure campus area, especially around the parking lot.  That question was actually something that I had personal leanings toward, because I've had friends that have undergone theft because of infiltrating a way to take things from people's cars, so I was glad to see that many of the people who did my survey were responsive.

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